Assistant Professor
2021 - ....
Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering
Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Maitre Assistant Associé
2020 - 2021
Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering
Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Postdoctoral Researcher
2018 - 2020
Multiphase and Cardiovascular Flow Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Supervised by Alberto Aliseda
Postdoctoral Researcher
Oct-Nov 2017
Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering
Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Finite-Element simulation of the insertion of guidewires for the endovascular surgical treatment of aortic aneurysms
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2014 - 2017
Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering
Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Biomechanical study of pressure applied on the lower leg by elastic compression bandages
supervised by Jérôme Molimard, Pierre Badel (Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, Saint-Etienne), Pascal Giraux (Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University Hospital, Saint-Etienne), Reynald Convert (Thuasne, Saint-Etienne)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Saint-Etienne, France
Master's degree in Engineering
Major courses in Biomedical Engineering
Technische Universität Vienna, Austria
Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics
2010 - 2014
2012 - 2013
Grants and Awards
American Heart Association Visiting Professorship Award
Grant, French National Research Agency - Young Investigator (Bacardyn)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association (Grant # 19POST34450082)
PhD Thesis Award, Société de Biomécanique
Teaching Experience
Coordinator, Master in Biomedical Engineering and Design, Mines Saint-Etienne
Instructor, Mines Saint-Etienne
- Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics - 4th year undergrad
- Experimental Methods - 3rd/4th year undergrad
Instructor, University of Washington
- Advanced Fluid mechanics - 4th year undergrad, Master and PhD students
Teaching assistant, Mines Saint-Etienne, France
- Continuum Mechanics tutorials - 3rd year undergrad
- Numerical Methods tutorials - 3rd year undergrad
- Finite Element Method tutorials - 4th year undergrad
2021 - ...
2021 - ...
2014 - 2016
Supervision and Mentoring of Students
PhD students
Kundry Reibel
Biomechanical modifications in atrial cardiomyopathies
Alessandra Corvo
Computational simulation of post-interventional complications following endovascular aneurysm repair
Laurel Marsh
Intracranial aneurysms and stroke investigations, patient-specific CFD simulations of blood flow
Julia Romero Bhathal
Experimental and numerical study of blood flow in cerebral aneurysms treated with endovascular coils
Angela Straccia
Investigation of the hemodynamics in the circle of Willis
Marissa Miramontes
Effect of LVAD pulsatility on thrombogenic risk of LVAD therapy for heart failure patients
MS students
Clément Leger - 6-month internship
CFD Simulation of the hemodynamics in a left ventricle implanted with an LVAD
Clothilde Helouin-Desenne - 6-month internship
Study of pressure applied on the lower limb of hemiplegic patients by compression bandages
Adèle Pêcheur - 6-month internship
Evaluation of pneumatic sensor Picopress
Emilie Benoist - 6-month internship
Characterization of fabric-to-fabric friction coefficient: Application to medical compression bandages
2023 - ....
2022 - ....
2018 - 2022
2018 - 2022
2018 - 2020
2018 - 2020
University service
Student representative to the Laboratory Guidance Comittee for Research
Sainbiose Laboratory, INSERM U1059, Saint-Etienne, France
Student representative to the Education Comittee
Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Student representative to the Research Comittee
Mines Saint-Etienne, France